Hello people! I am Daltor and I am going to
review an emblematic album: “Haselupker’s Ink”. This
album is from a symphonic rock duo (they are still looking for a
drummer for a guitarist). This band has some interesting skills and good ideas. Let's listen to the album.
“Tarnished Halo” is the opener song. I am
into strange melodies and powerful chord, there are some good vocals.
That song is very good, the refrain is epic. The solo is melodic, but
monotonous. By the way, the next step is “Hilary”. There are
some metal riffs, and background effects. Drumming is good, the song
is powerful. There are some scream parts, mixed with clean vocals to
harmonize all the sound, but... it Is so monotonous… I think this
band does not have inventiveness. The next song is “Muted
Creatures”, opened by some arpeggios, and lead solos… Throughout
the song, there are power chords and riffs, to create a metal
atmosphere. Lead vocals are anguishing and only the guitar is the
power of this song, with a pretty good drumming. “Fast one” is an
explosion of riffs and powerful chords, throughout there are
arpeggios and good bass lines. Good vocals and background riffs lead
me in an epic chorus. There are good breakdowns, but not so powerful
like the riffs. Let me listen the fifth track called “Moon and
Sun”. The intro is good, reminds me of doom metal, some good palm
mute all over the phrases and there are arpeggios in background.
I am amazed of how two
people can make this kind of music. It is the result of hard work and
study, I think. “Hell no” is what I can call a melodic ballad;
lead vocal is amazing in this track. The force of this song are the
arpeggios through the verses. Now there is a good solo, lead
guitarist used lot of sweep picking and tapping. In addition, another
Verse appear; another guitar solo. This track is powerful, but is
fuckin' monotonous. I cannot go on, with this track… There are
classical influences, by the way. Good breakdowns and licks all over
the song… However, it is so monotonous too. Let’s go on, the next
track is “Crawling Seasons”, a mid- tempo song. I am amazed,
there is a good chorus. It is so good, now. Best song of the album,
to me. Finally, it comes last song, the title track“Haselupker’s
Ink”. Is long 10:40 minutes, and I am going into a prog-rock
experience. That is the best song of the album, generally. Riffs are
good, and chorus are catching. Good drumming all over the song. No
one can say, however, how is monotonous this song. There is a long
break, and a melodic solo, in the style of this original band but
very anguishing.